Wow, so this will probably be my last blog post before Atlas is born! It's gone by so fast! One thing that made me realize how soon it will be is that I realized I only have to pay one more credit card bill before his due date! It's kind of a strange thing to make me realize his birth is right around the corner, I mean he could even come tomorrow! But I guess it makes sense because that credit card bill always seems to creep up on me too. ;)
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34 weeks! |
Nesting is in full force. I was cleaning the shower grout with a toothbrush the other day. In my mind I was thinking, "If I don't do this now, I'm not sure when I'll ever have time to do it with two kiddos!" I made myself a list of things to do before Atlas is born. It's a bunch of random things I've put off for too long, but I keep thinking it will be so much harder to get those things done with a newborn, so I better do it now! One of the things I knew I had to get done was my taxes. There was no way I was getting my taxes done with a newborn. I'm feeling pretty good because I filled my taxes last week! So now I have my list down to just a couple items and if they don't get done before Atlas comes I don't mind.
I got the last few preparations for birth I needed to do finished. I ordered and received my birth kit a couple weeks ago. I bought myself a good stock of red gatorade because I absolutely loved it when I was in labor with Jane. I got a little possessive of it when I saw Sam grab one. I was like as long as you only have one, it's my birth stock! I put a few of Jane's go-gurts in the freezer for me because easy to eat, frozen yogurt sounds like the perfect snack for labor. We decided to put the birth pool in the garage so we don't have to worry about protecting the floor and we will have easy access to the washer water connections to fill the pool. I'm pretty sure I've got everything together that I'll need for my home birth. So basically, I'm ready to have this kid!
38 weeks! Jane is on the left and Atlas is on the right |
I want to make sure I record a few of the differences between my pregnancy with Atlas and my pregnancy with Jane. I think I'll take the time to do that now, while it's all fresh in my mind. Both Jane and Atlas were very active, but Jane's kicks were more like lots thumps at once and stretches. Atlas kicks are more like pushes and he will move my entire belly from side to side! Jane would always stop kicking when I would try to feel her and Atlas will kick me back when I push on him. I always used to say it was because Jane was shy, but ever since Jane was born she has never been shy. I think instead it was that she was soothed and calmed by touch. It seems like Atlas might be more soothed by movement because if I'm still he's moving. Maybe that means he'll like the baby swing more than Jane did. Atlas seems to have settled lower than Jane was in my belly because I feel way more pelvic pressure from Atlas than I did with Jane. I also have to pee way more often this time than I ever did with Jane. The last difference that I will note is that, as you can see by the comparison photo above, my bump seems a little smaller this time. I'm hoping that's because I've been able to eat a little better this time around and make sure I get a walk in almost every day and not because he'll be late. ;)
I'm finally big enough to start looking forward to having this baby on the outside. That way I won't have to turn sideways to wash dishes anymore and turning over in bed won't be a struggle and getting up from sitting on the floor with Jane won't be such a chore. Don't get me wrong though, I am still enjoying having him close and inside and feeling those strong kicks. I'm not in too much of a hurry for him to get here because I am soaking in these last few weeks/days of Jane being my only child. I know it won't ever be like this again, I'm not taking it for granted.
From 14 weeks to 38 weeks! So fun to watch him grow! |
I'm finally big enough to start looking forward to having this baby on the outside. That way I won't have to turn sideways to wash dishes anymore and turning over in bed won't be a struggle and getting up from sitting on the floor with Jane won't be such a chore. Don't get me wrong though, I am still enjoying having him close and inside and feeling those strong kicks. I'm not in too much of a hurry for him to get here because I am soaking in these last few weeks/days of Jane being my only child. I know it won't ever be like this again, I'm not taking it for granted.
She loves him! |
Jane is such a sweet big sister already! I think she really understands there is a baby in my belly. She will point to her baby doll and say baby, then point to my belly and say baby! Baby is pretty much her favorite word right now. She will say it over and over and over until I respond with, "Yes! A baby!" I will ask her where Atlas is or where baby brother is and she will point to my belly. Normally she will want to lift up my shirt and wave to him and give him a hug and a kiss. She was trying give him a toy yesterday and she will try to brush his teeth whenever she is brushing hers. I think I will have a hard time trying to make sure Jane doesn't smoother him once he's born.
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My kids! |
The last thing I want to touch on before I have this baby is the typical reaction to me telling someone I am having a home birth. Normally it's something like, "REALLY? Are you sure?? I would feel more comfortable if you went to a hospital." I'm not going to go into the statistics of the success and safety of home birth, but believe me, it's really not as risky as everyone seems to think. It got me thinking though, when did everyone become so afraid of bringing life into this world in a natural way and at the same time having no problems with taking life in such an unnatural way by way of abortion? The world is upside-down when it comes to birth. It just reminds me how much each of us needs forgiveness and redemption. I just hope my life can be an example to others and help lead them to one who can save us all, Jesus Christ.
2 Corninrhians 2:14-15
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.
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