Every year with Atlas until last year it felt almost impossible that he would already be a year older! Last year seemed right on point and this year I've been thinking he's already 5 for the last few months already. He's grown up a lot in the last year. His face has lost that toddler look as well. That pic up there is giving me pre-teen vibes!! Him feeling more grown up might have something to do with him basically already doing Kindergarten school work and exceling at it. He's been absorbing so much from listening to Jane and I doing school that when I started preschool with him I realized he already knew most of it. I always said Atlas needed something that was just his that gave him confidence. It seems that video games have given him that. It also gives me something to take away so that he understands some consequences from not listening. All the other discipline options we'd try weren't getting through to him. We still have listening problems but it's much improved from last year and there is a lot less whining overall unless his video game is not going how he wants or I tell him to stop playing. We're still working on that. We go through lots of phases with Atlas. Like for a time he'll be really good at obeying the rules and super helpful around the house and then slowly but surely he'll inch back to not listening and trying to get around any and all responsibilities. So it's like two steps forward one step back all the time. At least we're still moving forward! I'm proud of the growth he's achieved in the last year.
Seriously y'all, it seems silly to say but Atlas is gifted in video games in my opinion. Sure I still help him from time to time but he can do some things that I can't do now. Like jump three times in a row with his hat in Mario Odyssey across an opening I can't cross. In fact he's beaten Mario Odyssey on normal mode all on his own. It's his favorite game. I got him a couple of Mario books for Christmas so he would still be able to enjoy games when it wasn't game time. He pours over his Mario 30th anniversary book every night. I wonder what game might finally catch his interest as much as Mario. As a gamer myself it's super fun to watch him find a love for gaming. Video games catch a bad rap a lot, but for me I see them as amazing pieces of art and technology. Of course there are video games out there that are just not worth your time and it can be abused, but pretty much anything in life can be bad if you let it be. As long as it's not taking over your life and you have balance it is just another leisure activity to enjoy the same as books and tv for example. Atlas has learned problem solving, perseverance, sight words, counting, hand eye coordination, etc. All from video games. So lay off video games moms. Just find a balance and enjoy!
Atlas loves it when everyone wants to play video games with him but he's pretty equally happy to play on his own. He really does love his siblings and looks out for them. Jane and Atlas are the closest of the 4 but they are also the most competitive with each other. They are so opposite on so many things, somehow they get past it and play together very well most of the day. They love playing Mario/Bowser and Peach on the trampoline and mom's and dad's. Xan and Atlas play together the least. I think it's because they both have their buddy Atlas with Jane and Xan with Flynn. Then they also have the sister sister and brother brother thing with the other sib, so that doesn't leave much left for each other at this point. I mean they'll still play together sometimes but it usually ends up in a fight unfortunately. A lot of it has to do with Xan being 2 though. I wonder if they'll become closer later on. Atlas loves his little bro! But because Flynn is 1 and busy and curious Atlas is often upset with Flynn trying to grab his controllers or pressing buttons on the systems or stealing legos. Flynn loves to watch Atlas play video games though. I foresee Atlas teaching Flynn to play. I really really love watching the bonds grow.
Wanna know something? We basically cloned Sam with Atlas somehow. I don't mean just with looks. (I mean he really looks like Sam, we didn't even plan this matching shirt pic) Their similarities in likes and dislikes and behavior can almost be stunning. I guess I'm exaggerating a little saying we cloned Sam because they do have some differences but there aren't that many. They are both second born middle kids and their birthdays are both in February only 3 days apart. They much prefer the cold instead of the heat. I can barely get Atlas to put a long pants on or a jacket. He'll be jumping on the trampoline in 50 degree weather in basketball shorts and a t-shirt and be totally happy. Atlas and Sam share their passion for video games and would both rather be left alone to play all day. I often leave Atlas home with Sam to play video games when Atlas isn't interested in what we're doing and I don't see it worth making him go. Atlas also shares Sam's rebellious nature and doesn't mind authority very well. We'll keep working on it! They are tough guys and can handle a lot but at the same time they can be sensitive to certain things. Like some sounds and textures can really bother them. They both have a genuine care for others in a quiet way, so it can be hard for outsiders to see. Sam sees the similarities in the two of them as well and has said some of his own traits are frustrating to deal with in a 5 year old. Haha! It's true. The stubbornness and rebellion runs strong! But we already know that as long as we continue to guide him and train him in the way of the Lord he will become a strong, caring man of God. Just like Sam. (that last part was me. Sam would never talk about himself like that. ;)
Birth: 8lbs 7oz
1 Year Old: 22 lbs
2 Years Old: 27 lbs
3 Years Old: 32 lbs
4 Years Old: 35 1/2 lbs
5 Years Old: 37 3/4 lbs
Although Atlas started out chunky he has definitely turned into a lightweight. I believe this comes mostly from his super pickiness! He won't try almost anything new and anything he does try he is adamant that he does not like! I'm hoping to work on that pickiness now that he's turning 5 and has a better understanding of rules and that just trying one bite is not the end of the world. I mean I'm starting to run out of food options for the boy since he likes so little.
Birth: 21 1/2"
1 Year Old: 29"
2 Years Old: 33"
3 Years Old: 36"
4 Years Old: 3' 2.5" (38.5")
5 Years Old: 3' 6.25"
I found enough firsts to fill the whole year by a thread. I'm pretty sure next year I'll have to add in some memorable moments to fill in the year. Atlas does not like new things, he's much more comfortable to stick with what he knows, so finding firsts for him is a lot more difficult than it is for the other kids at this point. I could fill up a whole blog post with his first video game accomplishments! They don't necessarily make for good pictures though. ;)
Atlas favorite place to be if he's not playing video games is on the trampoline. He still loves to be outside and he's pretty happy just to jump on his own. He enjoys having Jane and Alexandria to jump with him and play in the backyard too. I can send the big 3 out to play in the backyard on their own anytime, but now Flynn will cry if he doesn't get to join the crew. It won't be long though! Atlas always asks me to come on the trampoline with him. He likes me to bounce him high. As much as he's a cautious kid and doesn't like to try a whole lot of things he does have an adventurous side that comes out from time to time too.
Haha! Oh this picture. I thought it was pretty appropriate because Atlas is so picky that his plate is empty. This is Atlas waiting impatiently for his chicken nuggets on Thanksgivng because he wouldn't eat anything else. I wrote that I was hoping for improvement with his pickiness once he was 4. Well, I think he got worse... He's getting tired of food he eats all the time, and I don't blame him. But he won't try anything new and even if I force him to he says it's yucky every time. So yeah, his favorites haven't really changed from last year there's just less. His overall favorite meal is Three Cheese Hamburger Helper. He still loves chicken nuggets, spaghetti, white mac and cheese, chips, fruit snacks and gogurt. His number one out to eat meal is McDonalds burger kids meals. He loves dessert, chocolate, popsicles, cake, ice cream, starburst, all of it basically. At least his drinking habits are healthy. He likes Caprisun, milk and water. We're really going to work on trying new foods this year!! ;)
Atlas's favorite toys pretty much have to do with Mario now. He loves his bowser castle he got for Christmas and has really been enjoying his Lego Mario set he got for his birthday. He still enjoys trucks, building blocks and kinetic sand, but Mario toys are definitely number 1. He says bowser is his favorite Mario character.
I think Atlas's love for TV shows and movies has only grown over the year. He's always asking to watch something. Some of his favorites this year have been, Zig and Sharko, Shaun the Sheep, Bluey, Number blocks and Alpha blocks, Mario Super Show and Scooby Doo. His attention span for a movie has gotten so much better over the year. His absolute favorite right now is The Lorax, other favorites this year were Iron Giant, Wreck it Ralph 1 & 2, Wall-E and Sonic the Hedgehog. He'll watch just about anything though as long as it's not too "girly". ;)
The favorite video game is always the one that is new. Still I would say the one he has spent the most time playing overall is Mario Odyssey. He's beaten that game so many times on assist mode I've lost count. He beat it on normal mode as well but when he had done that once it was enough for him and went back to assist mode. ;) He even beat the final post game challenge too. I haven't even done that yet. His current favorite is New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe because that's the one we got him for his birthday. Super Mario 3D All Stars is up there too. Basically anything Mario. He likes Sonic and Kirby games too. He enjoys playing Mario party, Mario Kart, Super Smash bros, and Just Dance with his siblings. But mostly he's a lone gamer. He can play very passively and also jumping up and down and running around the room. I'm looking forward to introducing him to more of the wonderful world of video games as he gets older and starts to really read then I can show him my favorite genre of video games, RPGs.
Can you guess what Atlas's favorite books are?? Yup, Mario books. ;) He pours over the books we got him for Christmas every night. He can read a few sight words and sound out simple words but mostly he just looks at the pictures. Just like I predicted he will stay up with his reading light on for a long time. His favorite is The Super Mario Bros Encyclopedia the first 30 years. He also enjoys the Mario Odyssey Art book. Other favorite books this year were Where Oliver Fits, A Squirrel's Tale, Just Imagine, Lifesize and First Illustrated Thesaurus.
Playing video games is definitely Atlas's favorite activity, but he still enjoys the outdoors for sure! His other top favorite activities are still jumping on the trampoline and swimming. He also loves to swing, play hide and seek, monster tag, wrestling with Dad, being thrown on the couch by Pappaw and any and all imagining with Jane and Xan in the backyard. Playing on the kindle is his substitute when video games are not an option. I'm pretty sure that's where he learned his letter sounds so well.
I have loved watching Atlas's confidence grow over this past year. As he's found what he's good at he's much more comfortable to be himself and I've seen him stop trying to be like anyone else. He can be very serious and talks about not wanting to get any older so no one has to die. That breaks my heart. He had a bond with my grandfather and he's being saying things like that ever since he passed. He cares deeply for the people he loves. He's acts tough but he's a sensitive soul. He always needs one more tuck back in a bedtime from me than everyone else. He'll shower me with kisses until I tell him I need to go. He's a big goofball and is always trying to make everyone laugh. He's much more easily motivated than Jane and gets his chores done more consistently. The thing he has to work on is his patience. He's good at asking nicely but he asks a thousand times without end until I get him what he asked for. He also needs to work on staying calm when things don't go his way. I can see him trying though! And that's what's important. Teaching him to be a lifelong learner is the goal! And I am loving watching him learn and grow.
James 1:4-5
But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
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