Thursday, June 23, 2016

Moments of Motherhood

This post is a compilation of random thoughts or dilemmas I've had recently.

Oh motherhood! It's crazy but it's also the best!

I'll start off with my thought that Jane could have some potential to be a comedian. Here's why. She loves to be the center of attention. And nothing makes her happier than when she is making people laugh. Also, when she gets in trouble (and it drives me crazy!) she will just laugh at me almost every time! I will be trying to explain to her in a very serious and stern voice how what she did was not acceptable and she just laughs in my face. I don't think she is trying to spite me or thinks disobedience is funny. I think it's how she deals with uncomfortable situations, she doesn't know what else to do, so she laughs about it.  I guess it's better than lashing out and getting angry. :)

My little comedian

The other day I had finally gotten both kids down for their afternoon nap and was about to get some work done and then I heard some rustling.... What is that??? Then I see a huge roach crawling across my hallway. 😬 Bah!!! I hate roaches by the way, ask my husband. It's pretty much the only thing that makes me turn into a screaming little girl and I then proceed to jump up on the nearest elevated surface. 😅 Anyway, I thought, "How am I going to kill this thing and not make a huge racket that will wake up both kids?!" I can't let it get out of sight! If I do then I will be paranoid until I find it and kill it. As quickly as I can I find the roach spray and go back to find it. It hasn't gotten far, thank goodness! I killed it with the spray and then used the opportunity to mop my floor. Crisis averted!

Jane wanted to pretend to nap next to Atlas

Why is it that as soon as Atlas is napping and it's Jane's nap time she wants to do everything I've been asking her to do all day. She finally wants to play with her puzzles instead of watch a movie or she'll run off and entertain herself with her toys, while I lie there on the couch and think to myself, "That is exactly what I wanted you to do this morning, so I could get some work done..." Finally I get her to calm down and lie down on the couch with me and she is just about to fall asleep and then Atlas starts crying. Uggg... Some days nothing seems to go right. But then I nurse Atlas and he falls back to sleep and Jane falls asleep right afterwards and they both end up taking a great nap. So when I was stressing out about things not going just right, it was for absolutely no reason. I hope I can remember this lesson for the future and roll with the changes in schedule that having two kids brings at times. It will help me enjoy every day more.

Don't let worrying about the little things
make you miss moments like this.

One of the best feelings in the world is having your kids cuddled up on each side of you and sleeping peacefully. I wish I could bottle it up and keep it with me and open it when I need a pick me up. When everything is wrong with the world for that one moment everything feels right.

I think this was near the end of a 3 hour nap for both of them.

I hear a lot of parents say, "I just need a break from my kids." And then, as soon as they aren't with their kids, they say they miss them! I'm not one of those parents. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids! But when I get a break, I don't miss them. My husband and I enjoy the breaks we get, even if it's just one less kid than normal! I actually have a hard time understanding when parents say they miss their kids when it's only been less than a day since they have seen them last. When I know my kids are with someone that will take care of them and give them the attention they need, I barely think of them at all. Every so often it will feel strange when they are away, like something is missing. But it's not the same as missing them. Because I'm not wishing they were here instead of there, it's just different than my normal. Atlas hasn't been away from me longer than 30 minutes and Jane has never been away longer than 24 hours. Don't worry. I'm sure when they've been gone longer than a day or so I would start to miss them. ;) And when Jane comes home after a sleepover at grandma's house I am very happy to see her! And somehow she always looks so much older after just one day of not seeing her.

When did she grow up??
And how is he already outgrowing 6 month clothes!

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 

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