Friday, December 27, 2019

Flynn Samuel: The Birth Story

Wow, Flynn's birth was nothing like I expected, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. It was pretty much perfect! The only thing I might change was my reaction to the beginning. Let me back up a couple of days, to Saturday afternoon, 12/14. The last two things I wanted to do before Flynn arrived occurred that day. Santa photos and Jane's Gymnastics meet. In the middle of the day the kids and I took the dog for a walk and afterwards I noticed Flynn had changed position and gotten so low he was pressing on my pelvic bones and making it extremely uncomfortable when I would stand up or sit down. I was finally feeling beyond ready for Flynn to come. I felt sure I would wake up in labor that night, but Sam was not feeling well at all. He was completely depleted from having to work that Saturday. So I'm pretty sure my mind told my body to hold off one more day. On Sunday evening, I was tired of the pain of him being so low and I prayed that labor would start at 6am the next morning so I wouldn't have to wake anyone up and everyone would have a good nights sleep before everything got started.

All I had to do was walk Cambria, it was so nice!
The walk that moved Flynn down

To my amazement my prayer was answered!! I woke up on Monday morning at 5:40am, on my due date (12/16) needing to go to the bathroom and as soon as I got out of bed my water broke... JUST like Jane!! (except Jane was at 3:30am) I was in denial for a few minutes, like I always seem to be when I realize my baby will be born that day. I stood there convincing myself that it really was my water that just broke and I didn't just pee myself! Haha! I finally composed myself and left the bathroom to tell Sam my water had broken. He was like, "Yeah, I already knew it was happening." I told him not to go to work, but to stay in bed since I wasn't feeling any contractions yet. He replied, "Oh definitely. There's a difference between #1 and #4." I put on my comfy dress that I like to wear during labor and then I realized I needed to call my mom because I knew she was already on her way to work. So I called and of course she knew what was happening since I was calling so early in the morning. I told her my water had broken, but no contractions were coming yet. She said she hadn't even made it out of Kingwood yet and asked if she should go home and wait for me to call back or just come straight to me. I told her to go ahead and come straight to me and help me figure out what to do. She made it to me in about 5 minutes. We discussed whether to call Sallie then or wait until contractions started since I would probably still be waking her up being 6am at that point. We decided it was important for her to know right then since it wasn't the middle of the night or anything. Plus I needed her advice to know what I should do since it had been about half an hour since my water had broken and I hadn't felt even the tiniest contraction yet.

40 weeks! This was taken after my water had broken, but before labor had gotten started.

I called Sallie at 6:06am. She answered right away and told me to go back to sleep if I could. I told her it's too hard for me to go back to sleep in the morning once I am awake all the way, but I would do my best to rest. She was good with that and told me she was going to take a shower and make some coffee and check in afterwards if she hadn't heard from me by then. My mom and I spent the 30 minutes talking about how weird it was not to be rushing around getting things ready for him. We also talked about whether I wanted to give birth in my bed or in the water. I hadn't even given myself the option beforehand. I had no hope of having enough time to get the pool up and warm in time with my labors getting faster and faster with each baby. I realized with labor starting slowly we could make water birth happen this time if I really wanted too. I thought back to Atlas and Alexandria's births and decided I really preferred the bed actually. Atlas's birth was amazing, but there was something about giving birth in my bed and not having to get up afterwards and just snuggling with Xan that was extra special. Water birth was really cool, but getting out after giving birth was hard and then I was cold and had to dry off before walking to the bed. (plus my mom said cleaning the pool out was quite a task) I felt good with my decision to give birth in my bed again.

At 6:45am Sallie called to check in and I told her I had one tiny contraction around 6:30am that if my water hadn't broken I would have considered just a braxon hicks contraction. She said she was going to drink her coffee and wait for an update from me. I was good with that. My mom set up her laptop to try to work, I started writing an update for my prayer support group. Around 7:15 or so Jane woke up and she was so confused to see Marmee there. We told her it was because Flynn was coming that day! I expected a super excited reaction, but she was still so sleepy and confused she just didn't get it. Plus she looked at me and I wasn't lying down or having contractions, so I think she thought we were messing with her or something. My neighbor had dropped off some boxes of hand me down dress up accessories on our porch earlier and Jane went right to going through it all! It was a perfect distraction for her. Around 7:45am I finally realized that labor wasn't starting right away. I wanted to have a full stomach for when things did get going, so I made myself a big bowl of oatmeal and blueberries. (the same breakfast I had before Atlas was born) While I was eating I finally finished sending a message to my prayer group. I texted my friend Mindy, who had graciously agreed to take pictures for me, to let her know I would update her when contractions sped up. Sallie checked in again and as you can see from the screenshots above my contractions were 40 minutes apart and didn't hurt at all. Since nothing was happening yet she said she would have a second cup of coffee before heading over. ;)

Jane was amazing through the whole experience.

Between 8am and 8:30 Atlas got up. So we got the big kids dressed and went outside to play for a while to kill some time and see if walking around the backyard might help contractions start. That's when I grabbed the last bump picture above! Jane had to give Flynn one last bump hug! As I said at the beginning, all I would change about Flynn's birth was my reaction to things not starting up fast. I was so nervous about contractions not starting! Of course looking back I should have just relaxed and enjoyed the slow start instead. But at that point I was worried about him not even being born that day. So I was having a hard time chilling out about it.

Once 9am rolled around and my contractions hadn't changed Sallie decided it was time to head over to see if she could help things get started. Around that time Alexandria woke up, I changed her diaper and got her dressed. Again, it was so weird to do regular tasks knowing I was probably going to give birth pretty soon. Sallie arrived between 9:30 and 10am. Sam was still asleep since my mom and I didn't need any help with the kids yet and I needed him as rested as possible for the days ahead. I got him up when Sallie got there because we needed the bed. At 10:15am Sallie checked me to see where we were at. I was dilated to a 4. It was what I expected since I hadn't felt any strong contractions yet. Sallie worked on my cervix a little to see if it would encourage the contractions get stronger. It was uncomfortable, but wanted to do whatever we could to see if we could get labor rolling!

Sallie said we might use some castor oil to move things along. My mom took all of the kids and went to the store to grab some and a couple of other miscellaneous items I don't remember. When she got back it was around 11am. Sallie thinks it's terrible to have to ingest castor oil. So she applies it to the cervix instead and gets the same results without the yucky side effects of drinking it. So grateful for a wise midwife with lots of experience! She did a little stretching while she applied the castor oil and got me all the way to a 6! I updated my prayer group and we waited. We thought about taking a walk to help contractions get stronger as well, but Sallie took my blood pressure and it was a little high. So she told me to lie down on my left side and rest for a bit. During that time it started to rain. A cold front was moving in and so was my labor! I rested and prayed. Every time I felt a contraction trying to come on I told Flynn he could come! It was ok, I was ready. I really think the castor oil, rest, cold front and getting my mind in the right place all working together is what allowed labor to finally get started! From about 11:30am on the contractions started becoming regular, but they were still pretty weak. I could talk and walk through them. My mom told my friend Mindy that she could probably start heading over since it was starting to get real! I stayed in bed resting until around 12-12:30pm. Then I decided I wanted to eat some lunch before I had to do the hard part of labor.

Talking with my mom between contractions

My mom had some salmon and roasted potatoes she had packed for her lunch at work and said I could have it because she actually had two portions. It was the perfect easy lunch and great food for stamina. Sallie and I chatted while I ate and I felt a few more contractions that seemed a little stronger. When I finished eating my mom updated the prayer group that contractions were 5-10 minutes apart. My friend Mindy arrived right as I finished as well and we chatted a little and I had a contraction that I almost had trouble talking through. I went to brush my teeth because I didn't want to be thinking about salmon breath when I was giving birth. ;) While I was brushing my teeth I had my first contraction where I felt the real pain of labor. I knew it was happening soon at that point. My mom, Jane and I made the bed with old sheets and a shower liner under it to make it birth ready. It's a sweet memory! Sallie came in and asked if we wanted to try a walk. I told her I didn't think I needed it anymore. It was happening all on it's own now. I said I was ready to lie on the bed and let the contractions do their work.

My sweet Jane. She was just the best!

My mom called my dad for big kid entertainment back up so she could focus completely on me from then on. Sam was there keeping up with them too, but he isn't as interesting as a visit from Pappaw! Before my dad got there they just wanted to be with me. I didn't mind Jane being in the room at all. She was super sweet. She was saying things like, "It's ok mom, Flynn will be here soon." I did hear her complain that it was taking a long time though. ;) Atlas and Xan came in a few times and I gave them both a snuggle. Atlas didn't stay long, but Xan just wanted to cuddle forever. I didn't mind. During those first real contractions it was sweet to cuddle with her through a contraction. I remember her giggling because my breath was tickling her as I would breathe deeply through a contraction. As you will see, Mindy took so many awesome pictures! The only picture that I wish I had, but don't was one of me and Xan cuddling. Everyone was busy at that moment though. It's totally ok, it's imprinted on my brain. :) When my dad got there I was ready to have a little more quiet since contractions were getting more and more painful. All the kids happily ran off to play in the back of Pappaw's new red truck. Things were really kicking into high gear quickly!

Praying over me and Flynn before he was born.

After 1pm it's all sort of a haze. I remember moments, but I don't remember the times that they happened or even the right order of things. I remember chatting with my mom and asking for some socks because my feet were cold. I watched the cold front blow the trees through my backyard and saw the kids jumping on the trampoline. I could listen to quiet conversations around me but couldn't talk through contractions anymore. I remember answering a question someone had a couple minutes delayed because I starting having a contraction before I could respond. At one point, during a contraction my mom tried to put my phone near my face to get it to unlock since I had asked her to video Flynn being born. Haha! I had to ask her what she was doing and laughed about it! I told her maybe not to put my phone in my face during a contraction. We all laughed! I gave her my code so she could unlock it whenever she needed to. Sallie said this is how labor should be. Being at ease enough to laugh about things being so close to having a baby. Mindy had never witnessed a home birth before and said how amazing I was through all of it. She is too sweet! Sallie checked me at some point and said I was at an 8. Sallie had everyone in attendance come in the room for a prayer because she knew Flynn would be born soon. Sam lead the prayer and Sallie finished. It was beautiful. I believe it was around 1:30pm that some contractions were strong enough that I was starting to feel an urge to push. Sallie told me to wait since there was still some cervix left. Those contractions were hard! She helped stretch my cervix through a couple of contractions and It felt terrible but it was worth it since I was feeling like pushing!

Working through the strong contractions. Sallie watching calmly. My mom helping me put my socks on.

After another half hour or so went by and Sallie said I had just a lip of cervix left and she didn't want me to tear. So she told me to camp out on my left side with my leg up for as long as I could to let my cervix open the rest of the way. I believe contractions were 3 minutes apart or so at that point. Some of them were coming right on top of each other. Another 15-20 minutes went by and then one huge long contraction came that seemed like it never stopped before another one came on. I was breathing and groaning deeply. I could no longer bear to be on my side and I was going to say so when I had a chance, but my contractions didn't let me! Sallie noticed that my tone changed then and she pulled on my leg to let me know to roll to my back and I had another huge contraction and had to push! I held on to one of my knees sort of still on my side a little and pushed! Sallie said here he comes! His head was out with that one push. I never really stopped pushing and pushed just a little harder and the rest of his body just popped out at 2:29pm!! AMAZING! It only took one huge push for him to be born. He came out so fast it surprised me. I can't really explain the feeling, but he really shot out! Sallie caught him and put him right on my chest. The second he was born Jane exclaimed, "He's so CUTE!" I was sobbing with joy and I heard my mom crying too. The video of his birth gets a little shaky at that moment. It's so sweet. I LOVE having the video. I've lost count how many times I've watched it back. Flynn took just a couple of seconds and then he let out a perfect newborn cry. Sallie rubbed him down all over, he had a lot of vernix on him. Then she checked his heart and told me he was doing great and that I did a great job. My dad was standing outside the door with Xan and I believe Sam was standing right at the door with Atlas when Flynn was born. They both came over to see him right away.

The moment after he was born!

All the emotions! So so happy!

My mom cutting the cord!

Xan - "Look, Baby!!" Jane - "He's so beautiful!"
Proud big brother
Sweet Flynn!

The feeling right after birth is just amazing. There just aren't words to accurately describe it. I just cuddled Flynn and was so grateful to God for a smooth delivery. Sallie commented that he was pretty small. Probably not more than 7 pounds. He did feel small in my arms. We waited a little while to weigh him though. After the cord stopped pulsing my mom cut the cord and I gave him up to my mom so I could deliver the placenta. Once that was done, Sallie made sure I was doing ok and helped me clean up a little then Flynn was brought back to me. Both Jane and Atlas got a chance to hold him for the first time and Xan gave him a hug. <3 They are in love with him. I'm pretty sure we weighed him around then. Sallie let my dad weigh him. We used Jane's crocheted baby blanket as a sling. It was all so special. He only weighed 6lbs 6oz! I didn't think it was possible for me to have a baby that small! Sallie told me that after she took a closer look at the placenta that there was a good amount of calcification on it and the cord was sort of small. Which basically means for unknown reasons the placenta had started to shut down a little too early. So he wasn't getting all the nutrients he needed right at the end to help him fatten up. Sallie said it was really good that he came right then. If he had come any later it may have caused problems. God is so good!

Xan getting to see Flynn closer while I was delivering the placenta

My dad weighing Flynn.

I got him started nursing and we were left to rest together for a while. I think about an hour or so passed and Katie Perez (who had attended both Atlas and Alexandria's births) stopped by and said she was sad she had missed the birth! She also brought some hand me downs for us. Around this time Sallie made sure I got up and made it to the bathroom ok. We also took this time to measure Flynn for height and get some footprints for his baby book. He measured 20", not too short! And Sallie said it was remarkable that he didn't cry while we did the footprints. Both Atlas and Xan hated it. Mindy was so sweet to stay all that time and came in to take a few pictures of each of us with Flynn before she headed home. Sallie also headed home shortly after Mindy and said she would check in with us later. Everything was just awesome and wonderful.

Every prayer was answered except the one about my water not breaking first. And that one just happened to be because God knew better than me. I was so concerned labor would be too fast and I prayed the most to be able to let everyone know in time. If you count from my water breaking it was a 9 hour labor, but if you count only active labor it was less than 2 hours. I was convinced that my labor was so painful with Jane because my water had broken first. It was not that! Really it was because she was my first one and she was positioned poorly. I am so grateful that even though my water broke first it didn't cause any issues and instead helped it be a more calm and enjoyable experience with everyone able to get there with no trouble!

In closing, I want to thank my mom for being there as soon as I called and always being my sounding board and such a great help through labor and getting the super special video of Flynn's birth. Thank you to Sallie for being an awesome midwife as always, helping my labor progress, always knowing what to do to help and being such a calm presence. Thank you to my friend Mindy for capturing so beautifully such a special day for us. I will treasure the photos forever! Thank you to my dad for coming to help with the big kids and keeping them entertained for me. And of course thank you to Sam for always being on the same page with me and such a great dad to the kids. <3 So far this has been the smoothest addition to the family. I'm sure we'll have our bumps along the way, but I think with each kid we've learned what works better in the hard newborn stage and have made changes to make it a bit easier. The support I have from my family is just amazing. I couldn't do it without each of them helping me. God has blessed me greatly!

We love you so much already little Flynn!! <3

Our 4th child and second born son, Flynn Samuel Daniels was born peacefully at home on his due date at 2:29pm 12/16/2019. Weighing 6lbs 6oz and measuring 20" long. We are so grateful for the beautiful blessing that he is! <3 Praise God!

James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

John 16:21
A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Flynn Samuel: Weeks 34-40

Here we are at the end of what I assume will be my last pregnancy. Sam and I are still on the same page with that plan. So I am soaking up every baby kick from Flynn and belly squeeze from my older kiddos. Trying not to take it for granted. I'm not one of those people who LOVES being pregnant, but I'm not one of those who dislikes it either. I enjoy parts of it, but I am happy when it's over and I can start eating whatever I want again and not have to worry about bumping my belly on something. I hate telling the kids I can't do something with them because I'm pregnant, like get up on the trampoline and jump with them or let them wrestle with me. So I guess it's that I don't like the restrictions that pregnancy brings, but I really love the special closeness I have with my baby during pregnancy. Since this is my last and I'm still feeling good I don't feel any rush for him to get here, but I am excited to meet him and know he's all healthy!

My favorite style of baby book!
(Hallmark 5 year memory book)

Ok so let's start where I left off the last post at around 34 weeks. Right around this point I feel the need to finish up any last items on my "Things to do before Flynn" list. I have a little registry on Amazon basically for myself and any family members who want to get something for Flynn. There was only one thing I truly needed and one thing I really wanted. My mom bought us what we needed, a car seat for Atlas so he and Xan could move up a seat and we would have the infant car seat available for Flynn. My mother-in-law bought us what I really wanted, a nice baby book like I have for all the other kiddos. I've seen the meme that says only first borns get finished baby books. I am not that way! I LOVE working on their baby books. I especially love having it before they are born so I can start as soon as they arrive and have sweet memories of recovering, snuggling and writing in their baby book about their arrival right away. One thing that didn't make my "Things to do before Flynn" was this blog post. But it's still one of the things I would like to get mostly finished beforehand, it's just not a big deal to me if I don't. I started writing this post at 39 1/2 weeks. So we'll see if I can finish it up before Flynn decides to make his appearance.

Running out of lap space!

When it gets down to less than a month until the 38 week mark, I start realizing I could be doing things for the last time before Flynn arrives! The first thing I did for the last time before we add Flynn to the mix was our little home school co-op that meets every other week. I found out we had our last meeting in November and we wouldn't be meeting back up until January because of the holidays. So the next time we go to co-op I will have a little newborn in tow! :) Other things that make that "last time before" list are paying the monthly bills, doing bank reconciliations for work, last bath time (Because I hate giving baths at the end of pregnancy, so it ends up only once a week. I always look forward to the last time I have to try to wash them with a huge belly). With all my other pregnancies I would think, "Oh, it could be the last grocery trip before taking more kids to the store with me." But I have totally switched to being a curbside shopper once I got pregnant with Flynn. I only go to the store with all the kids for a mid-week grocery trip for less than 5 items now. ;) I don't plan on switching back!

34 Weeks

I had my 34 week appointment with Sallie and she said I couldn't be any more perfect! What a wonderful thing to hear. :) It was quick and easy as usual. Have I mentioned lately how much I love that she comes to me for appointments??? It's amazing. I don't have to get a babysitter, I don't have to wait in a waiting room and expose myself to any unnecessary germs, I don't have to drive anywhere! It's just the best!! Need a midwife? Sallie Witte is your lady!

All 34 weeks. Top: Jane - Atlas.
Bottom: Alexandria - Flynn.

Around 34-35 weeks my Braxton Hicks got stronger and almost made me nervous a couple of times! I was like, "Hey kid... You can't come yet. It's too early." But then after about a week I realized it was just a pattern. A couple of days of stronger, more frequent practice contractions then a couple of days of not much going on. It reminded me to update my labor prayer support message thread I've had back from Atlas and Xan. I let them know what to pray about in the weeks before birth and added on the prayer that he wouldn't come before 37 weeks so he could be born at home. (Now at 39 1/2 weeks I'm thinking I need to update them again and tell them to pray that he's not too late! Haha!)

Can't wait to add Flynn to this picture!

I mentioned earlier in this post that my mom got us a 4th car seat. Look! I got them all in there! It was quite the process though. I started to move seats around and then I realized that the back line of seats only had one anchor point for car seats. I could it move around if I wanted to, but it didn't allow me to have two forward facing seats in the back like I had planned. So I had to order a small $15 anchor part and wait for it come in before I could get everyone where I wanted. I put the big kids in the back since they can get in and buckle themselves. (Atlas still needs help with the bottom buckle, but I can help him with that from the door) The only thing I was concerned with putting them both back there is that they can touch each other now... But they like to be back there together and don't bother each other much thankfully. And if they start to fight I can threaten switching the seats and putting them next to a younger sibling instead and then they stop. Apparently that is a downgrade in their opinion. ;)

It looks so peaceful!
(Got my birth bags ready on the rocking chair)

For some reason the space beside my side of the bed becomes a breeding ground of things that don't have their own place. For example, for the last 6 months or so there was a TV (unplugged just collecting dust) that started out as a video gaming screen for Sam until he realized it was just a bit to big for what he was using it for and then also a few bags of clothes and miscellaneous items I no longer wanted that I had been meaning to donate.

So nice! The kids think it's extra special.

We had gone back and forth between selling the TV or keeping it and mounting it in the school/baby room. I figured we could use the TV for school purposes when needed and it could be useful to have when there is a sports game on we really want to watch in the main room (COUGH::PLAYOFFBASEBALL::COUGH) that the kids are really not into. That way they can watch their own show while we get to enjoy the game. So then the question was how do we mount it... We've never mounted a TV. Enter Pappaw to save the day! He answered my questions on what to look for in buying a mount and mounted the TV for us. So grateful for him. Then my mom told me that she had some items to donate too, so she could drop off my things as well. My parents are so helpful!! Once everything was moved out from my side of the bed I brought the swing in from the garage, set up the rock and play and positioned the rocking chair to make it like a mini nursery. <3

36 Weeks

At 36 weeks I finally start to feel big. Like there's no denying this bump is nearing the end with how big it's getting! Also right around this point Flynn seemed to have dropped at least some. I started feeling more pressure and I definitely had to frequent the bathroom more than I normally do from then on. I sometimes have to get up an go to the bathroom in the middle of the night when I usually never do. It's still not every night which is nice. My back is more sensitive for sure. (It was really mad after I moved all those car seats around) But really compared to most ladies I shouldn't be complaining at all. Seriously, all you mommas who choose to have more babies even though you know how hard it is on your body to be pregnant, kudos to you! I would be a wimp if it was too much harder for me.

Jane wrote Flynn's name all on her own!

Appointments start being every two weeks at this point. So I had my 36 1/2 week appointment with Sallie the Friday before Thanksgiving. This appointment was just 3 days before Sallie was comfortable doing a home birth if Flynn decided to come a little early. So I told my mom that I would like her to be at the appointment so she could get instructions just in case Flynn came too fast and Sallie couldn't make it to me in time. I only feel this way because of all the braxton hicks I have before labor starts and the fact that every labor has been cut in half... Jane 13 hours, Atlas 5 1/2 hours and Xan 2 1/2 hours. My dad decided he wanted to come and listen to the instructions as well. If I go into labor in the middle of a work day he is the one who could get to me the fastest. Sam and my mom are 45 minutes to an hour away and Sallie is about 30 minutes. So far every time I've gone into labor I am already in labor when I wake up. Jane was 3:30am, Atlas was 7am and Xan was 4am. I'm assuming Flynn will do something similar, but you never know!

First Freezer meal!
Granny Bea's Meatloaf

My mom told me she would take the kids for their last sleepover before Flynn the weekend after Thanksgiving. I realized it would be the perfect time to do all my freezer meal cooking! The only thing I had prepared thus far was a raw meatloaf. Granny Bea's recipe makes two loaf pans. So I cooked one for dinner and froze the other one for after Flynn. I asked my Facebook friends for all their freezer meal recipes and got a great response! I got a list together of all the meals I wanted to cook and had more that I wanted to try, but realized I had probably hit the limit of space in the extra freezer and time I would have to cook the meals. More on this later.

Look Ma! No hands! ;)

Right before Thanksgiving I finished wrapping the Christmas presents! I had the goal of having everything Christmas related done by December 1st since that is when the baby watch begins. I figured if I didn't get it done before Flynn got here it just wasn't happening! It has ended up not being quite as imperative as my nesting mind was thinking since it's December 12th and he's still comfy, but it still made me feel good to have it all ready. Around that same time I got another task checked off my nesting list. I cleaned all of the windows in my house. I don't do this often. I think it ends up being a twice a year deal, unless something gets splattered on one of them. They get dingy on the outside and the way the sun hits the windows in the fall/winter makes it look extra dirty. Just another one of those things I thought if I didn't do it before Flynn got here it was going to be a few more months before I got to it. There is just something so satisfying about looking through a freshly cleaned window. :)

37 Weeks

At 37 1/2 weeks Flynn got super active and strong with his kicks and moments after the kids went to bed. He seems to wait until I am still to move around. Atlas was that way too and he was very soothed by movement. I feel like Flynn is going to be that way too! There are similarities between all of them and their movements, but I have noticed a few things that seem to relate to the boys verses the girls. The boys have less hiccups than the girls and have a stronger reaction to me pushing on their foot. The girls were more fluttery with their movements and the boys move my entire stomach in sweeping motions. I still feel like Atlas had the hardest jabs and Jane was the most soothed by touch. Flynn moves the most when I am resting my arm on my stomach and almost always kicks against my arm. Alexandria was the move whenever I want kid and didn't wait for a still moment. The last thing that is specific about Flynn is he plays hide and seek with Sallie on the Doppler almost every appointment! And he did the same at his ultrasounds by hiding his face almost the whole time. I wonder if he's going to be shy or just super sneaky. Haha! I love getting to find out how their movements translate outside the womb later. They are so much themselves from the moment they are conceived. Such miracles and so special, each one!

LOOK!! I did it! I filled my extra freezer with meals! If you are wondering I made Tuscan Pasta, Baked Ziti, Potato Soup, Spinach Ravioli Bake, Chili, Cheese Enchiladas, Broccoli Cheese Chicken and breakfast tacos while the kids were on their sleepover. Woohoo! I spent almost the entire time they were gone cooking... I hope it will be worth it later on. I'll have to let you know how everything tastes thawed and heated once we start eating everything. ;) A couple of other meals I made before hand were meatloaf, sausage patties, pancakes, cooked fajita meat and Egg Muffin Frittatas. I really made the most of my time when they were gone on their sleepover. I finished deep cleaning my shower (yes, with a toothbrush)! Sam and I went out for lunch/dinner and afterwards I went stocking stuffer shopping and went to pick out some Christmas Jammies at Kid to Kid. I think the only thing I forgot to do was relax. Haha! Oh well. I'll have lots of time to sit on the couch once Flynn arrives. ;)
Same outfit, all 38 weeks. Jane, Atlas, Xan, Flynn.

At 38 1/2 weeks I felt my first contractions around 11pm that actually hurt and made me grimace a little. There were 4 or 5 that hour and I thought maybe labor was starting! But then the next hour they were completely gone. My babies love to fake me out. It got me thinking though. I still didn't feel really ready for him to arrive. I had one last thing on my "Before Flynn" list and I felt like I hadn't mentally prepared myself for labor. So I was happy the contractions turned out to just be practice ones that time.

A before picture. Can't wait to take the after picture. :)

Appointments are every week now! So at 38 weeks and 4 days I had a check up with with Sallie. We had planned a massage that day, but when Sallie walked in she asked me if I was ready to have a baby and I felt like I still couldn't respond with a yes quite yet. She said good because she had a really tiring week and would rather have a weekend to rest if it was alright with me and Flynn. ;) So we decided to do just a regular check up instead. Everything still checked out great! She said she thinks he's long but not quite as heavy as Atlas or Xan yet. He seems like he has a skinny butt. Heehee! She also mentioned that she thinks he's going to be a super chill baby. She said I could call her in 6 months and tell her she was wrong! But I for one would love it if she's right!

Jane took this one for me! Big sister at 20 months and baby brother at 39 weeks!

I love making it to 39 weeks! By medical standards it is officially full term. It gives me even more comfort that he should be just fine whenever he decides to come. A day before I made it to 39 weeks I finished deep cleaning my kitchen. It was the final thing on my list of things to do before Flynn arrived. With the last task done I finally feel ready for him to come anytime. I was sort of hoping he would come on December 9th which was the day I was officially 39 weeks. Jane's birthday is 5/24/14, Atlas's is 2/26/16 and Alexandria's is 4/8/18. So if he had been born on December 9th he would have kept up the trend of the last day digit matching the last digit of the year. Another thing I liked about the date is that I would have two full weeks to recover before Christmas day. But alas, no luck! My prediction was wrong. He was still feeling comfy. Technically he still has two more chances to stay on the day trend by being born on the 19th or the 29th. I really hope it's not the 29th!! ;)

Brothers! Jane took this one too. Atlas at 3 1/2 years and Flynn at 39 1/2 weeks.

A few days later I was glad he decided not to come on the 9th because it allowed me to get a couple more pictures I wanted while he was still in my belly. I realized I hadn't caught a bump picture with Atlas yet. I love that I got a brother bump picture! It turned out so cute and Jane was the one to take it for me!! <3 So special. Jane is definitely the one who is most interested in my bump. She loves to feel him kick! She likes to find his foot or butt on my belly. She says she loves his teeny tiny butt. ;) Haha! She will give him hugs and kisses all the time. Atlas doesn't pay much attention. He knows his brother is inside and will very occasionally give him a hug, but he doesn't care to interact with the baby bump much. He refers to Flynn as "My boy" and he asks to pray for Flynn to come out most nights. So sweet! Alexandria always tries to use my bump as a stepping stool to climb over me or tries to sit on Flynn. She is totally unaware that she could hurt him in there. But she does know it's brother in there! When you ask her where baby brother is she will point to my belly, pat it and try to lift up my shirt and say hi. Flynn will kick her a lot when I'm rocking her to sleep at night. I can't wait to see the how Flynn will bond with each sibling on the outside! <3

39 1/2 weeks. Jane, Xan and Flynn. Atlas was already born.

Looking back at my previous pregnancy pictures at 39 weeks I snapped to the fact that I had one more bump comparison picture I could do! Same dress all between 39-40 weeks. The boys are definitely lower and hence look a little smaller in my belly.

I love seeing the bump growth through the weeks! From 11 weeks to 39 weeks. <3

It is soooo cool to watch Flynn grow. Babies are amazing. So I'm only 3 days away from my due date at this point. I haven't felt impatient for him at all. I still feel really good! I'm so grateful! Since he didn't come on the 9th I'd almost like him to wait until the 19th. (I know, I'm weird about the day trend thing) The kids are more impatient than I am! Plus tomorrow (Dec. 14) I have two things I would like to be able to make. In the morning our community is holding a free Santa photo opportunity. We went last year and it was wonderful! I'd like to be the one to take them to that if I can. Also Jane's second gymnastics meet of the season is tomorrow. It's being held at our gym! We've never had a meet at Rowland Ballard before. I'd really like to go! It's only 10 minutes from home, so it's the perfect meet to be so close to my due date. Really though, I wouldn't mind any day, I'd love to meet him. I do get tired of tracking practice contractions and making sure I'm not in labor. Xan came so fast I'm worried about not letting everyone know in time. Praying he let's Sallie get here in time! In conclusion. I'm excited to have made it to the end of my pregnancy with Flynn and I'm ready, just not impatient. We love you so much Flynn and we are all so excited to meet you! <3

1 John 5:12-15
 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.